Sunday, February 1, 2015

Liebster Award!

Stephanie from Parenting Jacob nominated me for a Liebster Award and gave me some questions to answer. Thanks, Stephanie!

Here are my questions:

1. What do you consider your strongest moment?
 When my brother died and I had to plan his funeral. My parents weren't handling it well. I came down and helped put everything together. I went shopping for a casket and bought a grave plot on my birthday. It was not a fun time, but I felt it was the strongest I've ever been because all I wanted to do was lose it and not move from bed. I slept maybe 2 nights that week.
2. What season is your favourite and why?
 Fall/Autumn. I like the crisp in the air. It's not too cold, not too hot, none of those pesky allergies and it's beautiful.
3. Where would you like to travel next?
 Europe, more specifically Great Britain and Ireland.
4. What are you most looking forward to this year?
 Having a baby!
5. Do you have an unusual talent?
 Most of my talents are pretty common. I used to be able to stick my fist in my mouth, but braces fixed that.
6. What makes you proudest?
 Being able to feel like I've made a difference or done something important. 

7. Which celebrity do people say you most look like?
I've been told I looked like Fiona Apple, but that was when I was thin and in college. Now I'm not so sure. 
8. What hobbies do you have?
I like to draw, play video games and read. Also does binge watching on Netflix count as a hobby? Because that too. 
9. What do you hope to get from blogging?
To become super famous, just kidding. Mostly to get my feels out in the open and be able to track my days. 
10. What is your favourite thing to do after a long, stressful day?
To be by myself with a glass of wine, music and some sort of activity that takes my mind away from it.
11. How do you want your child's upbringing to differ from yours?
I want to be able to provide the things they want and need. If they say they want to join the Browines or the Boy Scouts I don't want to have to say we can't afford it or we don't have time. I want to make sure I'm always there. My parents weren't bad people, they just had more kids than they really had the time for and money was always really tight. We moved a lot, I never really had a "home" that I could get attached to. I want to make sure we have a stable life for our child. 
Most of the blogs I follow have already done this, and I'm very new to following blogs in general, so as a total cop out I nominate YOU! You, whoever is reading this and hasn't done this yet. And as an extra cop out, same questions because I'm lazy and I'm terrible at this sort of thing.