Friday, July 3, 2015

39 Weeks!

How far along: 39 weeks! ...And 2 days... whoops.

Baby is the size of:  A Watermelon, or a baby, seeing as I'm 39 freaking weeks.

Physical symptoms: I'm tired of false labor, can I have the real thing now?
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 54 pounds. Sigh. What happened to you gain less during the last few weeks?
Maternity clothes: I'd rather be naked right now.

Stretch marks: I got them, but nothing really new since they've showed up.
Sleep: I love sleep. I want more and more and more. My hips don't like sleep. They are bitches.
Best moment last week: Ummm... does making to my maternity leave count? Cause I'm off for the next 2 months!
Movement: She's a wiggle worm for sure, can't complain about that.
Food cravings: I've been wanting a lot of white grapes and root beer lately. I think because what I really want is white wine and real beer.

Sex:  Female!

Labor signs: Still no cervical progress and still no pain that means anything. Same old same old cramping and back pain. I *think* I may have passed part of my mucus plug this morning, but I know that could mean labor could still be a week or so off. It's nice to see evidence that something down there is happening. Maybe I'll be dilated at my next visit? Or have a baby before my next visit??? Okay, that's getting my hopes up too much. I think she's going to go the long haul.
Belly button: Is out and can't remember why it liked being in so much before.
What I miss: Booze, sleep, fitting into clothes and not bumping into things.

What I am looking forward to: I want her born now! *cries* I just want to see her and hold her and I'm tired of waiting.
Milestones: I have a fully baked baby. Let's get out now, pretty please!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

38 Weeks

I totally suck and missed last week. I just felt blah so I wasn't feeling up to it. Sorry, not sorry.

How far along: 38 weeks!

Baby is the size of:  A Pumpkin. Little baby Jack O' Lantern.

Physical symptoms: Braxton Hicks can suck it.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 51 pound gain. Come on, baby. Mommy is tired of needlessly gaining weight.
Maternity clothes: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *cries*

Stretch marks: Yes. They're heeeeeerrrreeee.
Sleep: Is an old dream of mine.
Best moment last week: Just making it full term.
Movement: Yep, still quite the mover and shaker, this kid.
Food cravings: Fruit has been a fan favorite lately. Can't get enough.

Sex:  Girl!

Labor signs: No cervical progress in the last week. None. Zip, zada, zilch. My cervix is a bitch. Aside from that my body is going through some menstrual cramps and low back pain that is not timeable and means nothing apparently according to my cervix check this week. Awesome. Can I have pain that means something, please?
Belly button: Loves being out and about. New adventures.
What I miss: Sleep, movement, beer.

What I am looking forward to: Baby Girl! I want to see your cute little face! Don't keep us waiting too much longer, baby!
Milestones: 38 weeks. That's a pretty big milestone.

I also took this picture last week. I did another comparison. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

36 Weeks!

How far along: 36 weeks!

Baby is the size of:  A Honeydew Melon.

Physical symptoms: Everything hurts and I'm dying.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up another 4lbs, so that's 46. Ah well. I've stopped giving a shit. Which could be why (ba dum ching).
Maternity clothes: Oh no, I'm so tiny I can fit into my dainty college clothes... just kidding. I'm a whale. Not even one of those small Killer Whales, I'm a damn Blue Whale.

Stretch marks: My belly button is so bruised and I've developed some purple marks on the side of it. I'm going to cry. It was good while it lasted.
Sleep: Why sleep when I can toss and turn and pee all night?
Best moment last week: We had a work shower at Steve's work and it was really nice. They were VERY generous and we have everything we need, except the kid.
Movement: Still moving, but it's not as strong as before. She's dropped so I think that's why.
Food cravings: Not really no, although I did really want a Peach Iced Tea today, but I'm sure the hot June weather doesn't help with that. I don't know if it's a strong enough emotion for a craving though.

Sex:  Still Girl as far as we know! Although I've washed so many of her clothes I'm hoping she still is, haha. Can't return them now.

Labor signs: Not really. Just back pain and general discomfort. At my doctor's visit today I found out I'm 0 cm, but 30% thinned and her head is in my pelvis, so there's some progress there. Slowly, but surely.
Belly button: Fully out most of the day. I like pushing it. Beep, beep.
What I miss: Back to beer. This warm weather is making me really want a beer.

What I am looking forward to: Getting to full term next week and gaining some progress!
Milestones: 9 months pregnant! Isn't that a beautiful thing to say! She still needs at least one more week of cooking, but after that she can come out and play. Don't be too much of a stranger, baby!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

35 Weeks!

How far along: 35 weeks!

Baby is the size of:  A Coconut. Pina Coladas anyone?

Physical symptoms: Soooo uncomfortable. Ugh.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I haven't checked this week. I guess I'll find out in a week.

Maternity clothes: Lol.

Stretch marks: Nothing new since last week. I'm crossing my fingers that it stays that way.
Sleep: Pffft.
Best moment last week: We had our second shower on Sunday! It was wonderful!
Movement: She's still wiggling like crazy, thank goodness.
Food cravings: Nothing new. I guess she's easy to please as far as food is concerned. That's good, I'm too picky.

Sex:  Girl!
Labor signs: I don't think so, but I am getting increasingly uncomfortable with back pain so I think we are getting closer.
Belly button: Lost the battle and the war. Sticking fully out most of the day depending on her position and movement.
What I miss: Sleeping without having to pee every 5 seconds.

What I am looking forward to: One last Baby Shower on Friday with Steve's work and then getting everything finished!
Milestones: We are 35/35 today! Can't believe it! This was the big milestone in my head in the beginning so I'm so glad to be here. Early term in 2 weeks!

                                 Cake from baby shower!  It matched the decorations and invitations.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

34 Weeks!

How far along: 34 weeks!

Baby is the size of:  A Butternut Squash.

Physical symptoms: A lot of discomfort, fatigue, irritability. I'm just a joy to be around lately.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up 42lbs. I'm really struggling with my weight gain emotionally lately.

Maternity clothes: Yes.

Stretch marks: One new little bastard by my belly button.
Sleep: is for wimps.
Best moment last week: Uhhhh... we made it another week?
Movement: Yes. She's a kicker.
Food cravings: Same old, same old. I'm pretty boring.

Sex:  Girl. Although sometimes I wonder, we will find out for sure in 6 weeks, I guess! I mean, we've had 2 ultrasounds and the Panorama, but you never know.

Labor signs: Nope.
Belly button: Mostly out!
What I miss: Energy. So tired all the time...

What I am looking forward to: Baby Shower the second is on Sunday!
Milestones: 6 weeks to go! Almost there! Early term in 3 weeks!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

33 Weeks

How far along: 33 weeks!

Baby is the size of:  A Durian. Whatever the fuck that is.

Physical symptoms: I feel so uncomfortable it's not even funny. My back is killing me, walking hurts and my joints are so loose. I don't know how I'm going to take 7 more weeks of this.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Not sure, not checking.

Maternity clothes: All the fucking time, unless I'm naked. I wish I were naked.

Stretch marks: Nothing new, so there's that.
Sleep: is not for the wicked.
Best moment last week: Baby Shower numero uno was on Sunday! It went really well. We got a lot of clothes and some definitely needed items.
Movement: She likes to stick her butt out.
Food cravings: Not really anything I couldn't live without.

Sex:  Still Girl!

Labor signs: No, no, no.
Belly button: Still fighting the good fight.
What I miss: Moving. Also putting pants and underwear on by myself.

What I am looking forward to: 34 week visit in a week and Baby Shower numero dos the following Sunday.
Milestones: Just continuing the countdown!

Also here is our cake from our baby shower. Long story short, mom's friend/cohost bailed on her and she was in charge of cake and games. My older brother planned the games for us and made our cake (strawberry with strawberries in it). My dad decorated it and put my Mr. Darcy on there. If he understood he'd be flattered, but as he is a cat he'd assume it was expected ;). So shower started off a bit stressful, but things came together in the end. Also the cake was delicious, better than a bakery I think.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

32 Weeks

 A day late and a dollar short.

How far along: 32 weeks!

Baby is the size of:  A Squash.

Physical symptoms: Still Calf pain, mostly moodiness this last week. I've got the third tri's real bad. I've also had a reemergence of RLP.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up 38lbs from pre-pregnancy per my visit yesterday. Bleh. I drowned my sorrows in some ice cream because I'm smart like that.

Maternity clothes: A dear friend sent me some that she doesn't need anymore, thank you thank you.

Stretch marks: Nothing really. The one from last week ended up being just from my pants. *knock on wood*.
Sleep: Could be better, could be worse. 
Best moment last week: Being able to say "2 months" when people ask when baby is coming. It feels so much more final.
Movement: She's definitely running out of space. Things feel much more pronounced and sometimes painful.
Food cravings: Nothing new.

Sex:  Girl!

Labor signs: None, thank goodness.
Belly button: Almost there! You can do it, button!
What I miss: Being able to relax. I feel constantly stressed.

What I am looking forward to: Baby shower #1 on Sunday. I'm a little worried as no one has bought anything off of our registry yet... Either we are going to end up with a bunch of stuff that we don't need/tons of clothes (baby girl, so no surprise there) or no one is going to come... I'm feeling a bit anxious about the possibility of the latter.
Milestones: 8 months pregnant! Woo!

Friday, May 8, 2015

31 Weeks... a little late

 Yeah, no real excuse. Just pure laziness.

How far along: 31 weeks!

Baby is the size of:  A coconut. Now we're getting somewhere.

Physical symptoms: Calf pain, and apparently a new found relationship with feeling my transverse colon. Pregnancy is weird.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I didn't weigh myself this week and I'm not gonna.

Maternity clothes: Starting to grow out of some.

Stretch marks: Got a new one forming by my belly button.
Sleep: Comes and goes.

Best moment last week: IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!
Movement: Yes, she's passing her kick counts with flying colors. Good girl.
Food cravings: Meh, same old same old. Nothing that I would kill for.

Sex:  Girl, as sure as I can ever be.

Labor signs: Not yet.
Belly button: It's trying very hard to pop fully out. Tends to be out further during the evening as opposed to the day. I assume due to her position.
What I miss: Not feeling my colon.

What I am looking forward to: 32 week doctor visit on Wednesday and Baby Shower numero uno on the 17th.
Milestones: Once again...


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

30 Weeks!

How far along: 30 weeks!

Baby is the size of:  A small cabbage. Didn't I already do that one? This website is all messed up methinks.

Physical symptoms: Calf pain, fatigue, stretching pain and a hell of a lot of irritability. 
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up 34 pounds. Only 6 pounds in the last month though which is good for me since I was hanging around 10 the last 2 visits.

Maternity clothes: Can't live without them.

Stretch marks: Maybe one on my lower belly? Can't really get a good angle to tell for sure.
Sleep: My body has decided it has to wake up at 6:30 every morning whether I need to or not. Awesome.

Best moment last week: It's 30 weeks! That's the best.
Movement: Alllllll the time. She's big and feisty.
Food cravings: Sweet things. I don't have any actually crazy cravings.

Sex:  Still girl I assume.

Labor signs: Please no. 
Belly button: It's half popped out.
What I miss: Being comfortable.

What I am looking forward to: Baby shower #1 is in 2 1/2 weeks!
Milestones: It's week 30!!! This is the best! Yay for weeks that begin with 3's! We are in the homestretch, finally!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

29 weeks!

I almost forgot to do this today. I've been soooo tired all day and just dead to the world. Bleh.

How far along: 29 weeks. 

Baby is the size of:  A butternut squash.

Physical symptoms: Still calf pain and some headaches, also fatigue has come back and hit me like a truck.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up 33 pounds.

Maternity clothes: Yep.

Stretch marks: Still nothing that wasn't there before pregnancy.
Sleep: Would be better if I didn't pee every 30 seconds.

Best moment last week: Her antics are getting more and more pronounced.
Movement: Oh yes, she's a mover and strong. She keeps pressing on my lungs and kicking my ribs and lower pelvis.
Food cravings: Lemon flavorings and citrusy things. Sugar is always nice.

Sex:  Girl!

Labor signs: Nope.

Belly button: Still weird and popped out on the side with a regular button in the middle.
What I miss: Bending, sleeping.

What I am looking forward to: Almost week 30! Goodbye, 20's! 
Milestones: Just getting to this point feels like a milestone. Almost in the homestretch!

Sunday, April 19, 2015


I've developed a post for Facebook about National Infertility Awareness Week that I'm planning on sharing later in the day. I'm a bit nervous about it since it addresses the controversy of Pregnancy after infertility and the guilt that comes with it. This is what I wrote:

April 19-25 is National Infertility Awareness Week. 1 in 8 couples suffer from infertility. What is infertility? It is a medical condition defined as 1 year of consistent unprotected and timed intercourse not resulting in a pregnancy for a couple under the age of 35 (6 months for a couple over 35). It is caused by many different factors that can be based on a man’s health, a woman’s, a combination of both or have no known cause. Infertility can also be defined as secondary infertility where a couple already has children, but struggle with conceiving a sibling, or in the case of recurrent losses (3 or more).
As I have posted before Steve and I have suffered through infertility. One particular thing that is not talked about often is the emotions and potential consequences after pregnancy is achieved. Pregnancy, adoption, even parenthood, is not a cure for infertility. While infertility does not define us, it also does not change or go away and will always affect us on some level. There are stories and cases of those who have no problems conceiving after their first was a struggle, but they are interesting cases because they are not that common.
The fact of the matter is infertility is not just a physical issue, it is an emotional one. The feelings of anxiety never leave even after pregnancy or parenthood has been achieved. It’s not easy being pregnant after going through struggles. The anxiety is heightened, for some (including myself) it’s hard to get excited because the fear of something going wrong. There are also issues with guilt when you know people who still struggle and you don’t want them to hurt knowing how they feel when they see you or your updates. It’s also knowing that when we decide to have another child it will most likely not be an easy road.
One very important thing to keep in mind if you know and love someone who is going through infertility is to be careful with what you say. Many hurtful things have been said to us, even though we know that they were not meant maliciously. This article right here does address these things, why they are hurtful and what can be said instead. Thank you for your time.

A bit TL;DR, but there's just so much to say that needs to be said. No one should have to hide in the dark. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

28 Weeks

How far along: 28 weeks. 

Baby is the size of:  An Eggplant.

Physical symptoms: Minor headaches, not as bad as last week. Calf pain still most nights, but better now that S massages them before bed. I've also developed some Acid Reflux.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm up 30lbs since beginning of pregnancy. :(

Maternity clothes: Definitely.

Stretch marks: Nothing new.
Sleep: Comes and goes.

Best moment last week: Making it to the third trimester.
Movement: All the time, I think we have a little spitfire on our hands. She moved so much the other night that my belly was shaking back and forth for 20 seconds.
Food cravings: Usually Lemonade, other Lemon or Lime flavorings are good too.

Sex:  Still Girl!

Labor signs: No, luckily. We had a long trip to L&D for possible pre-eclampsia signs on Friday, but everything is fine.

Belly button: The edges of it are popped out. It's totally weird. 
What I miss: Bending over.

What I am looking forward to: Being done with the 20's in 2 weeks! Also first baby shower in about a month!

Milestones: We're definitely in the 3rd trimester now no matter how you count it! Aside from that every week feels more and more like a milestone.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

27 Weeks!

How far along: 27 weeks. 

Baby is the size of:  Cucumber.

Physical symptoms: Still with the calf pain. This week it's also headaches, but that could also be do to the constant storm systems we've had move in.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Too high.

Maternity clothes: Oh yes.

Stretch marks: There may be a couple small ones near my belly button, but I'm not sure if those ones weren't there already.
Sleep: is getting a bit better.

Best moment last week: Just moving along!
Movement: Oh yes. I can feel her move near my pelvis and near my ribs at the same time. 
Food cravings: Lemonade mostly.

Sex:  Girl!

Labor signs: No, no, no.

Belly button: S says it looks like a cat's asshole.

What I miss: Moving easier. I feel like a turtle or an old person lately.

What I am looking forward to: 3 more weeks until my next visit! Shower invites should start going out this next week as well!

Milestones: IT'S 3RD TRIMESTER! Woohoo!!! This both excites me and terrifies me.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

26 Weeks!

How far along: 26 weeks. 

Baby is the size of:  Head of lettuce or a turnip. Baby is a salad.

Physical symptoms: Calf pain. So much calf pain.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Bad gain again. I don't want to talk about it.

Maternity clothes: Yes.

Stretch marks: Nothing has popped up yet.
Sleep: Is for fools.

Best moment last week: Nursery progress! We finally moved the computer desk out and made room for the crib. We also got our bookends in and we sort of have decorations.
Movement: All the time. She's stubborn though and always stops when S tries to feel.

Food cravings: Lemonade.

Sex:  Still a girl!

Labor signs: Nooooooo.

Belly button: It looks like an asshole.

What I miss: Walking without pain.

What I am looking forward to: 1 more week until 3rd tri! I also had my glucose test today and I'm looking for the results of that. Because of my weight gain and higher blood pressure they also tested me for pre-eclampsia and thyroid function. Awesome. I'm nervous and hoping everything is okay.

Milestones: One more "4 week" visit and then we move on to bi-weekly appointments!

I took a comparison shot this week to show the difference within 12 weeks. Baby girl is growing!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

25 Weeks!

How far along: 25 weeks. 

Baby is the size of:  Cauliflower. Ick. Let's get some fun fruits and veggies again.

Physical symptoms: I'm so tired. Also if I don't eat a banana before bed I get Charley Horses in one or both of my calves. Awesome.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I don't want to know.

Maternity clothes: All the time.

Stretch marks: I've had some itchiness on my belly so it's only a matter of time now.
Sleep: What's sleep?

Best moment last week: Passing viability!
Movement: She loves to move. I'm trying to learn what jab is what body part. I'm pretty sure I've felt her actually roll around once. Once this kid learns to walk we don't stand a chance I'm afraid.

Food cravings: Always Lemonade.

Sex:  Girl!

Labor signs: Nope, nope, nope.

Belly button: It's just funny looking. I can tell it's getting more shallow, but not popped yet.

What I miss: Beer and wine. And sleep.

What I am looking forward to: 2 more weeks until 3rd tri! And am I a crazy person to be looking forward to my GD test? It just means I'm getting closer and closer.

Milestones: Every week is a milestone! It's been a pretty boring week milestone wise. ;) 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

24 Weeks!

I'm late. I suck. No excuses, but also no 23 week post.

How far along: 24 weeks. 

Baby is the size of:  An Ear of Corn. Yum. 

Physical symptoms: I've got reflux bad right now. Also sleep has been sucking lately.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I was up 10 lbs in a month at last week's visit. Whoops.

Maternity clothes: Oh yeah, and I'm growing out of some of those.

Stretch marks: Nothing new yet, thankfully.
Sleep: *cries*

Best moment last week: More baby kicks! She's a kicking machine! Also S got some shelves up in the nursery.
Movement: Oh yes, all the time. It's okay to sleep sometimes, kid.

Food cravings: Lemonade, spinach/artichoke dip, raspberries and cereal. All the usual suspects.

Sex:  Still girl!

Labor signs: Please no.

Belly button: It's so weird looking, all flat and funny shaped.

What I miss: Sleep. Beer. It was St. Patrick's Day yesterday and all I wanted was a Guinness.

What I am looking forward to: 3 more weeks until 3rd trimester!

Milestones: I'm 24 weeks today!!! Viability Day!!! Woohoo! Keep growing though, baby! We aren't ready for you yet! 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

22 weeks

How far along: 22 weeks. 

Baby is the size of:  Spaghetti Squash, whatever the fuck that is.
Physical symptoms: Some pain near my belly button, back pain and dizziness. Week 22 is awesome.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I don't want to know.

Maternity clothes: I don't think I'm ever wearing normal clothes again.

Stretch marks: Nothing new this week. Phew.
Sleep: I want more, damn it!

Best moment last week: I saw her kick from the outside today! That was trippy, man.
Movement: So much movement.

Food cravings: Fruit, still cereal, and pretty much anything sweet and bad for me.

Sex:  Girl!

Labor signs: No, no, no.

Belly button: I don't think it's going to pop. It's too deep.

What I miss: Right now, sleep.

What I am looking forward to: Just things to continue progressing well.

Milestones: Outside kick, also weaning myself from the Diclegis. It's going okay. I'm not sure if the dizziness is from that though. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

21 Weeks

If weeks were years my baby could drink legally. That thought isn't helping my current wine craving.

How far along: 21 weeks. 

Baby is the size of:  Banana! Mmmm, frozen bananas...

Physical symptoms: All the discharge and my boobs are sore again. I think they are growing... again... not needed, boobs!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Er, I'm up another 5lbs... Whoops.

Maternity clothes: Oh, God yes.

Stretch marks: No new ones on my belly, but my boobs developed a few this weekend. Awesome.
Sleep: I haven't needed as much. I've been going to bed at 11 and waking up before 8, that's not normal for me, at least for pregnancy.

Best moment last week: We saw baby again today! We had an appointment at the MFM and they informed us the cyst was gone and she's perfect. Our results from the Panorama test told us the same thing. So happy about this, I can't even express.
Movement: Yes, Yes, she fought with the tech and switched positions 3 times. I also felt her from the outside on Monday. She's got strong little legs.

Food cravings: Cereals and Spinach and Artichoke dip. I'm seeing where the weight gain has come from...

Gender:  Still a girl!

Labor signs: Nope.

Belly button: Still hanging in there, but it's not as deep.

What I miss: Wine as usual, but only when I'm out with my parents. My mom drank a margarita in front of me. I still haven't forgiven her.

What I am looking forward to: Belly growing, baby growing and things continuing to go
well hopefully. 

Milestones: Excellent test results! 

And here's a picture of our little firecracker sticking her hand in her mouth. She's a riot. I love her immensely already:


Friday, February 20, 2015

Crazy 20

Hitting 20 weeks is the craziest thing. My feels are all over the place.

My first thought is, wow, it's been so long that I've been pregnant. Then of course I remember that I found out at 3 weeks and some odd days, so that's 3 weeks and some odd days I didn't even know.

Then I get this overwhelming desire and need to hold and snuggle a squishy, warm baby. I know my baby isn't done cooking yet, but that feeling is there and it's so hard not to have that squishy, warm baby. So here begins the longest 20 weeks of my life. While they may be long, I want them to be 20 weeks because I want a well done baby.

Keep cooking, baby girl.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

20 Weeks! Halfway!

How far along: 20 weeks. 

Baby is the size of:  One site says Mango again, but that was last week. The other says Artichoke. I'll take Artichoke for the sake of being different.

Physical symptoms: Still watery discharge, also my joints hurt when I get up and down. I think the cold weather has something to do with it. Pregnancy is turning me into an old woman.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I haven't weighed myself this week.

Maternity clothes: Yes.

Stretch marks: Just the same white ones near my belly button.
Sleep: Doesn't seem to be happening for me. I sleep at night, but I can't nap at all. I'm always tired lately though. I think baby must be going through a growth spurt.

Best moment last week: Getting better at the doppler! I can usually find her heartbeat within a minute or so.
Movement: Yes, she has her quiet times, but I do get kicks now and again.

Food cravings: Sugary cereals as usual.

Gender:  Girl!

Labor signs: None, I hope.

Belly button: Still the same old same old stretchy.

What I miss: Wine, I may indulge in a couple sips when I reach 3rd tri.

What I am looking forward to: I'm hoping we get our Panorama results this week. Aside from that we have another ultrasound in a week so hopefully that goes well.

Milestones: Reaching 20 weeks! That seems like a pretty big milestone!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

19 weeks!

How far along: 19 weeks. 

Baby is the size of:  Either a Tomato or a Mango. I like both of those, but not together. Either way you get your Vitamin C, eh?

Physical symptoms: TMI: lots of watery discharge. Gross. Gassy and some more RLP in there as well.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm up another 5lbs as of Monday. That's 10lbs total.

Maternity clothes: Definitely on most days if I can help it.

Stretch marks: A couple little white ones have erupted near my belly button, thankfully just the white ones though.
Sleep: I'm not as tired as I was before, but I do still enjoy my sleep.

Best moment last week: Finding out about our GIRL! I was in shock since I was pretty certain she was a boy for a long time. I'm excited though.
Movement: Yep, mornings and evenings mostly.

Food cravings: I still looooove cereal. I can't get enough.

Gender:  Girl!

Labor signs: Nope.

Belly button: Still long and stretchy.

What I miss: Wine as usual.

What I am looking forward to: Getting the results of our Panorama. They found a soft marker during our anatomy scan so we got the blood test done and we have an appointment with the MFM for a higher level ultrasound in 2 weeks. I'm not too worried, although it's never good to hear that something could be wrong. We are just taking it day by day. Our results won't change anything, but it would be nice to be prepared just in case.

Milestones: A/S this week and finding out the sex! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Announcement: It's a...

Hey, World! I'm a GIRL!

My name is Eleanor Elizabeth. I'm 9oz and have very long legs that are good for kicking. My favorite activities are hiding from dopplers and cameras, dancing, and taking quick jaunts through the uterus. I made my presence known for the first time with kicks during the super bowl, so you know I'm a sports fan (although what was with that play, Seattle?) I love cereal and sugary things. 

Nice to meet you!